Making your package available on conda-forge#


This how-to teaches how to make your pypi package installable with conda via conda-forge. Distributing via conda-forge is useful as many people manage their python environments via conda. The method here is the most simple method I am aware of to make your package available via conda-forge. Packages with complicated or platform-specific dependencies will require some additional steps. For more in-depth information and a deeper dive, see the “Related reading” section below.


  • You have a package available on pypi that you want to make available via conda-forge.

  • You have a github account.

  • You know how to clone and push repositories with git.

  • You have conda installed on your computer.

Related reading


  1. Fork the conda-forge staged-recipes library. Forking is the process of making a copy of a repository in your own account. We will make our new recipe to build our package on conda in this repository. We fork the repository instead of making the changes directly on the official conda-forge recipe to avoid cluttering the official repository.

    1. Log into your github account.

    2. Navigate your web browser to the staged-recipes repository.

    3. Click the “fork” button to begin the forking process.

    fork the staged-recipes repository
    1. Click the green “Create fork” button to confirm your fork.

      confirm fork creation
    2. When the fork is completed, you will be taken to your fork. Note that the repository is now in your github account and it says it is “forked from conda-forge/staged-recipes”.

      confirm fork creation
  2. Clone your fork of the staged-recipes to your computer. Click the green “Code” button on the repository and copy the git@... address. Then use the git clone command to clone the repository to the directory of your choosing.

    confirm fork creation
    git clone <repo git address>
  3. Create a conda environment to install grayskull, the utility for generating your conda build recipe. In your terminal, create a new environment called “grayskull”

    conda create -n grayskull
  4. After the environment creation finishes, activate your new “grayskull” environment.

    conda activate grayskull
  5. Install grayskull from the conda-forge channel.

    conda install -c conda-forge grayskull
  6. Navigate to the recipes directory of your staged-recipes fork that you cloned.

    cd path/to/staged-recipes/recipes
  7. Use grayskull to generate the recipe from your pypi python package. Enter the command below in your terminal, replacing <pypi package name> with the name of your package (i.e., the name you use when you do pip install <pypi package name>).

     grayskull pypi --strict-conda-forge <pypi package name>
  8. Upon completion, a folder with the name of your package will be generated. Within that folder, there will be a meta.yaml file containing your conda recipe. For more information on the meta.yaml file, see the conda-build docs. As an example, see the meta.yaml from napari-threedee below

    {% set name = "napari-threedee" %}
    {% set version = "0.0.1" %}
      name: {{ name|lower }}
      version: {{ version }}
      url:{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/napari-threedee-{{ version }}.tar.gz
      sha256: 7b468a891d5581f3c2446cfd05a58d62812e817aaa2b01b73f242449126ea5fd
      noarch: python
      script: {{ PYTHON }} -m pip install . -vv
      number: 0
        - python >=3.8
        - setuptools-scm
        - pip
        - python >=3.8
        - npe2
        - napari
        - numpy
        - qtpy
        - napari_threedee
        - pip check
        - pip
      summary: A suite of useful tools based on 3D interactivity in napari
      license: BSD-3-Clause
      license_file: LICENSE
        - kevinyamauchi
        - alisterburt
  9. If you are satisfied with the recipe (generally this works for packages with out complicated-to-install dependencies (e.g., pytorch), you can now commit the change. The instructions below are assuming the package name is napari-threedee. Replace napari-threedee with the name of your package.

    # create a new branch
    git checkout -b add-napari-threedee
    # add the meta.yaml file
    git add napari-threedee/meta.yaml
    # commit the new file
    git commit -m "add the recipe for napari-threedee"
    # push the changes (change add-napari-threedee to your branch name)
    git push --set-upstream origin add-napari-threedee
  10. Now you will create a pull request on the conda-forge/staged-recipes repo so that your new recipe can be reviewed. Navigate to the conda-forge/staged-recipes repo with your web browser. Since you just pushed a new branch to your fork, you should see a button to open a new pull request. Open the pull request once you have read the instructions in the template.

  11. The pull request will perform automatic tests. You can view them at the bottom of your pull request (screenshot below). Once they have all passed (all green checkmarks), you can request review from the team by making a comment on your pull request with the following message: This is ready for review @conda-forge-admin, please ping team

  12. The conda-forge team will then review your new recipe. Once they approve, you are done! Congratulations!